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    Changing Structure Table with ALTER

    How to Changing Structure Table With ALTER on SQL

    To change the structure of a table, form its common SQL commands as follows:

    ALTER TABLE table_name alter_options;

    ALTER TABLE constitute basic commands for changing tables.
    table_name the name of the table modified structure.

    alter_options a changing selection table. Option that can be used, some in including the following:
    ADD definisi_field_baru
    This option is used to add field new
    Definisi_field_baru" (field names, types and options

    ADD INDEX index_name This option is used to add index with the name "index_name" on the table.

    ADD PRIMARY KEY (field_kunci) Option to add a primary key in the table
    CHANGE field_yang_diubah definisi_field_baru Option to change field_yang_diubah be definisi_field_baru

    MODIFY definisi_field Option to convert a field into definisi_field
    DROP name_field Option to remove the field nama_field

    RENAME TO nama_tabel_baru Option to change the name of the table

    Variations command ALTER

    Add field "religion" to the table MHS
    ALTER TABLE ADD religion MHS varchar (15) NOT NULL;

    Adding a primary key on a table

    Changing the religion field length to 10 characters in the table MHS
    ALTER TABLE CHANGE MHS ​​religions varchar (10);

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